
Coyote® Syndromic respiratory testing solution provides precise and onsite diagnosis of major respiratory infections.
Product Information

FlashDetect™ LyocartD Flu A&Flu B&RSV Assay

Simultaneous detection of 3 respiratory infections in one cartridge:

Influenza A (M gene), Influenza B (NS gene) and RSV (M gene).


  • Multiplex test in one reaction

  • 20~30 mins sample to result

  • LoD 500 copies/mL

  • Includes internal control

  • Pre-loaded with lyophilized reagents

  • Contamination-free

  • Room temperature storage and transportation

  • Technical Specification
  • Workflow

Real-Time PCR

All-in-one cartridge integrates sample prep and PCR amplification


Influenza A (Flu A), Influenza B (Flu B),

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV),

Internal Control (RNase P gene)

LoD500 copies/mL
Detection TimeNanoFlash10 Flash20
20 mins20 mins30 mins
Sample TypeNasopharyngeal or Oropharyngeal Swabs
Compatible InstrumentFlashDetect™ Nano, Flash10, Flash20
Storage Temperature2-28℃